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Defining Difference
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Impact of Colonization
Michael Epley KNW 2399 April 30, 2015 Ball-Phillips Impact on Colonization India has a long history of mixed culture, views, and who’s in power. Great Britain colonized India and forced a culture shock from day one. The impact left by Great Britain will stay with India’s culture forever. The caste system
Culture and Development Defined by Colonialism
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The Justification of a Nation
Austin Eckhout Edges of Empire Ball-Phillips April 30, 2015 The Justification of a Nation As we look into the history books regarding the colonization of various native peoples, we see that there is no shortage of photographs and paintings regarding those that were colonized by European empires. Photographs, although presumed to always show the truth
Doing God’s Work
Doing God’s Work If God told you that it was your right, your duty, to conquer the lesser people of the world would you do it without remorse? What if instead of God saying this directly it were your king, who claims authority by divine right? What if you just desired an empire and used
Sometimes It’s Hard to Be a Woman

The spinning wheel—few material objects so succinctly represent patriarchal oppression under colonialism. The wheel was once the expedient implement to create thread and yarn, and pondering the vast demand in the 18th century before the industrial revolution rendered it obsolete, to make a capital fortune in cotton required innumerable wheels and an equal representation of labor.
Social Class Hierarchy and Labor Oppression in Late 19th Century India and Mexico
The Indian Nationalist movement and the Mexican revolution both came about due to rapid economic development and the subsequent mistreatment of the poor labor force. Yet, in both cases, the wealthy elite were the ones who gained the most from these uprisings. The late 19th century marked the beginning of industrialization in Mexico and India,
The Everyday: How Everyday Photographs can Connect Distinct Cultures
Photographing the everyday? Why do that? Most people don’t have an everyday life that others really want to see. Fortunately, some photographers have documented the everyday life of various cultures throughout history, which allows us to draw insightful connections between vastly different societies. The similarities between Mexico and India are few and far between; they
Exploring Women’s Role and Lifestyle in Mexico and India
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