
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_toggle title=”How do I export my video from iMovie” open=”false” style=”default” color=”Default” size=”md”]

  1. Open your movie in iMovie.
  2. Depending on which version of iMovie you are using, choose share/export/file.
  3. In the latest version, this sequence begins with file/share/file.
  4. Then in the window that opens, choose the best quality, and next, and then save after specifying a location for the file.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”How do I embed video into my posts?” open=”false” style=”default” color=”Default” size=”md”]

  1. Probably the best way to re-present your video on a WordPress site is to upload your finished video first into a YouTube channel. If you don’t have a YouTube channel, it’s time to create one. They are very useful.
  2. Once the video has been uploaded to YT, go find your video and click on the Share button.
  3. Choose Embed and copy the blue highlighted HTML that begins with <iframe>.
  4. Now, go to your WP blog / dashboard / posts / add new.
  5. On the New Post window that appears, enter in a title and click on the embed video button.
  6. In the Embed Video window, paste in that copied HTML from YouTube and when the shortcode is generated at the bottom, click on the blue Insert Shortcode button. That action places the shortcode into your post.
  7. Publish your post.

[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”On the Digital Collections website, which image size is best for downloading?” open=”false” style=”default” color=”Default” size=”md”]The larger the better, especially if you’re planning to use them for video presentations. Extra large is the best.

Look to the top right of the digital collections page and choose extra large from the drop down menu.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”What is the fastest way to create a citation?” open=”false” style=”default” color=”Default” size=”md”]Try using a citation engine. Check out this one:


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