New publication by Savannah Pham and Dr. Lui

A new study has been published in the Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, a flagship journal in diversity issues from the American Psychological Association. The paper summarizes the complex links between Asian American college students’ cultural orientations and their alcohol use outcomes. Asian Americans remain understudied in alcohol/substance use research and are underrepresented in prevention and intervention efforts. The field also knows little about alcohol use among graduate students. We showed that immersion in Asian cultures can buffer the possible negative effect of immersion in mainstream American culture on drinking-related problems. The extent to which these factors are associated with one another varies by gender and student status.

To ensure that our research is credible and to make our science accessible and transparent, we registered our hypotheses and analytic plan prior to conducting the study. These effects are recognized by all three open science badges. The study is available at:, and a preprint can be accessed freely here.

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