
The Peaceful Essence of Kalachandji Mandir


As I stepped into Kalachandji Mandir, we were greeted by not only a happy and kind man, but also with a neutral, calm vibe emitted from the premises. This man was excited to teach his lifestyle and explain the ideology behind their faith and devotion. Before we entered the temple, we had to take our shoes off. Upon entering a room that included a shrine to Krishna and also many paintings that depicted his life, a man begins to chant softly while gently waving lit incense. A plate of food was offered to Krishna, which he was pleased to accept. In the Gita (9:26), Krishna tells that he will accept whatever is offered with devotion. The culture and religious guide, the minister, spoke of this devotion idea and how it differs from other religions. He talked about how, for example, in the Christian religion, how man serves God and to gain favor, must act as a servant. In the Hare Krishna movement, Krishna is all, able to manipulate his form and disguise himself in any object or person imaginable. They believe that Krishna is love and friendship, so devotion to a friend rather than serving a Lord. Many people visited the room during the time we were listening to the minister. As they entered, they kneeled on the ground, touching their forehead to the tile floor. After uttering a possible prayer, they stood up from the ground with their palms together and fingers extended, appreciating Krishna’s love and idol. There was also a teenage boy sitting legs crossed with his heels tucked into his knees, holding chanting beads. He sat patiently, in a meditative state and position, until the service began. The minister spoke about Krishna’s many stories, involving Krishna and several other gods. He spoke of Krishna’s human form, and while it made many mistakes, it still was the all-powerful being Krishna, which is a curious way to perceive a god. At approximately 6:30 pm, they began their service, singing while chanting, hitting a tambourine, and some beating on a drum. They all chanted together, unifying the sound that filled the room. Love culminated in a spiritual fashion, with an aura of friendliness surrounding the idol of Krishna.20150915_18320720150915_18164620150915_173622

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