Daniel L. Millimet

I am the Robert H. and Nancy Dedman Trustee Professor at SMU, the Department Chair in the Department of Economics, a research fellow at IZA, a member of the HCEO Global Working Group, and senior co-editor of Advances in Econometrics. My research focuses on microeconometric methods, with applications spanning primarily labor, environmental, and health economics. I teach courses in econometrics and labor economics. 


Research Areas

  • Microeconometrics. 
  • Labor Markets.  
  • Environment.
  • Health.

Current Projects

On the (Mis)Use of the Fixed Effects Estimator,” with Marc Bellemare.

“Eligibility Screening and Means Testing in Consumer Bankruptcy,” with Nate Pattison

Partisan Mortality Cycles,” with Travis Whitacre. 

(Don’t) Walk this Way: The Econometrics of Crosswalks.”

The Impact of Nonclassical Measurement Error on Trends in Income Inequality and Polarization in the United States,” with Chris Parmeter.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” 

– Ralph Waldo Emerson