- cats.ado
- “Remotely Incorrect?” with Jennifer Alix-Garcia.
- “Partial Identification of Economic Mobility,” with Hao Li and Punarjit Roychowdhury.
- Transition Matrix Bounds: <Compressed>
- “Dynamic Panel Data Models with Irregular Spacing: with Applications to Early Childhood Development,” with Ian K. McDonough.
- Monte Carlo study:
- Main do file called by do files below: usmc_sims.do
- Initial period = 0, Part I
- Initial period = 0, Part II
- Initial period = -99, Part I
- Initial period = -99, Part II
- Monte Carlo study:
- “Partial Identification of the Long-Run Causal Effect of Food Security on Child Health,” with Manan Roy.
- Introductory Article: <PDF>, Stata Journal
- Treatment Effects Bounds: <Compressed>
- “Estimation of Treatment Effects Without an Exclusion Restriction: with an Application to the Analysis of the School Breakfast Program,” with Rusty Tchernis. Journal of Applied Econometrics.
- Introductory Article: <PDF>, Stata Journal
- Note: Requires ivreg2 and ranktest be installed first. These are user-written commands by other authors.
“No one ever said on their deathbed, ‘Gee, I wish I had spent more time alone with my computer’.”
– Danielle Berry