
I am Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Studies in the Department of Economics at Southern Methodist University. My research examines the determinants of global structural change patterns, the macroeconomic implications of demographic change, the regional and aggregate implications of U.S. tariff changes, global supply chains, and dynamic gains from trade. Prior to joining SMU, I worked as an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas where I produced research and policy analysis on international economic developments .

Download CV [pdf]
Research Statement [pdf]

Southern Methodist University
Department of Economics
3300 Dyer St.
Dallas, TX 75275

msposi [at] smu [dot] edu


Methods for Solving Dynamic, Multicountry Trade Models
In recent papers I have developed methods to compute transitional dynamics in multicountry trade models, where dynamics occur through capital accumulation and current account imbalances. Here is a link to slides that I have used to give graduate lectures on these methods.