
Books and Monographs

2012    The Futures of Our Pasts: The Ethics of Antiquities Collecting in the 21st Century, edited by Michael Adler and Susan Benton Bruning.  School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM.  Both print and ebook formats available.

1999    Picuris Pueblo Through Time:  Eight Centuries of Change at a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo, (Michael Adler and Herbert Dick, editors). Clements Center for Southwest Studies, SMU.

1996   The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350 (Michael Adler, editor). University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Articles in Peer-Review Journals


2019    Levin, Samuel, May Yuan and Michael Adler.

Thermographic Quantification for Archaeological Prospection at Picuris Pueblo, NM.  Proceedings of the 2018 Digital Heritage, New Relations: Authenticity and Automation in the Digital Age Conference. San Francisco, CA.

2007    Michael Adler (with William Balsam and Robert Deaton)

Analysis of Adobe Wall Composition at the Chaves-Hummingbird Site, NM, by Diffuse Reflectance Spectrophotometry.  Geoarchaeology 22 (8): 825-844.

2000    Lessons from Chaco Canyon.  Science 290:941-943.

2000    The Changing Scale and Configuration of Mesa Verde Communities, AD 900-1290, co-authored by Mike Adler, James Kendrick, and Nancy Mahoney.  Kiva  66(1): 67-90.

1996    Land Tenure, Archaeology, and the Ancestral Pueblo Social Landscape.  Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 15(3):1-36

1996     Ancestral Pueblo Population Aggregation and Abandonment in the North American Southwest (senior author with T. Van Pool and R. Leonard. Journal of World Prehistory 10(3):375-438.

1993    Why is a Kiva?  New Interpretations of Prehistoric Social Integrative Architecture in the Northern Rio Grande Region of New Mexico.  Journal of Anthropological Research, 49:319-46.

1993    From Mainframes to Microcomputers: Computer Applications for Anthropologists (co-author with R. Kemper and R. Wetherington).  Social Science Computer Review 10(4):18-30.

1990    Large Scale Integrative Facilities in Tribal Societies: Cross-Cultural and Southwestern U.S. Examples (co-author with R. Wilshusen).  World Archaeology 22(2):133-146.

Chapters in Edited Volumes, Encyclopedia, and Collections

2021    Fire, Ash and Sanctuary: Pyrotechnology as Protection in the Precolonial Northern Rio Grande.  In Agent of Change: The Deposition and Manipulation of Ash in the Past, edited by Barbara Roth and E. C. Adams, pp. 76-93. Berghahn Books, New York.

2017    The Built Environment.  In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Southwest Archaeology, edited by Barbara Mills and Severin Fowles, pp. 585-610.  Oxford University Press, New York.

2015    Water Fight: Archaeology, Litigation, and the Assessment of Precontact Canal Irrigation Technologies in the Northern Rio Grande Region.  In Traditional Lands Agriculture: Understanding the Past for the Future, edited by Scott Ingram and Robert Hunt, pp. 76-99.  University of Arizona Press.

2012    The Futures of Our Many Pasts: Challenging The Fallacies and Finding Common (Battle)Grounds.  In The Futures of Our Pasts: The Ethics of Antiquities Collecting in the 21st Century, edited by Michael Adler and Susan Bruning.  School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM.

2012    The Futures of our Pasts (co-authored chapter with Susan Bruning), in The Futures of Our Pasts: The Ethics of Antiquities Collecting in the 21st Century, edited by Michael Adler and Susan Bruning.  School for Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, NM.

2007    The Architecture of Pottery Mound in Regional Context, In New Perspectives on Pottery Mound Pueblo, edited by Polly Schaafsma.  University of New Mexico Press.

2007    The Stratigraphy of the Central Trench at Pottery Mound, In New Perspectives on Pottery Mound Pueblo, edited by Polly Schaafsma.  University of New Mexico Press.

2007    (Michael Adler and Susan Bruning)  Navigating the Fluidity of Social Identity:  Collaborative Research into Cultural Affiliation in the American Southwest, in  Collaboration in Archaeological Practice, edited by Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh and T.J. Ferguson, Alta Mira Press, pp. 35-54.

2006    The Great Period: The Pueblo World during the Pueblo III Period, A.D. 1150-1350.  In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350, edited by Michael A. Adler, pp. 1-10.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2006    Southwestern Colorado and Southeastern Utah Settlement Patterns: A.D. 1100-1300 (co-author with M. Varien, W. Lipe, I. Thompson and B. Bradley).  In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350, edited by Michael A. Adler, pp. 86-113.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2006    Mapping the Puebloan Southwest (senior author with A. Johnson). In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350, edited by Michael A. Adler, pp. 255-272.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

2005    Collaborative Knowledge: Carrying Forward Richard Ford’s Legacy of Integrative Ethnoscience in the American Southwest, in Engaged Archaeology: Research Essays on North American Archaeology, Ethnobotany, and Museology, edited by Michelle Hegmon and B. Sunday Eiselt, pp. 50-85.  University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Publications.

2005    Picuris Pueblo:  Eight Centuries of Change in a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo (CD-ROM reissue of updated version of 1998 volume) (co-editor with H. Dick).  Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University.

2005    Saving the Past for Whom?  Considerations for a New Conservation Ethic in Archaeology.  Occasional Papers of the Maguire Center for Ethics, 21, Southern Methodist University.

2003    Stylistic Variation in Projectile Points from the Henderson site, New Mexico (senior author, with John Speth).  University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology Technical Papers, (ed. John D. Speth), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

2003    Building Consensus:  Tribes, Architecture, and Typology in the American Southwest, in The Archaeology of Tribal Societies. International Monographs in Prehistory, Archaeological Series #15, edited by William Parkinson, pp. 155-172.  Ann Arbor, MI.

2003    Teaching the Past in the Present: Archaeological Field Training in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 16:21-23.

2002    The Ancestral Pueblo Community as Structure and Strategy, in Seeking the Center Place:  Archaeology and Ancient Communities in the Mesa Verde Region, edited by Mark Varien and Richard Wilshusen.  University of Utah Press, pp. 25-40.

2002    Negotiating the Village:  Late Ancestral Pueblo Community Landscapes in the American Southwest, in Inscribed Landscapes, edited by Bruno David and Meredith Wilson.  University of Hawaii Press.

2001    Late Anasazi, in Encyclopedia of Prehistory, edited by Peter Peregrine and Melvin Ember.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp.223-235.

2001    Local Systems and Regional Economies, by J. Bayman, M. Stark, M. Adler, R. McGuire, in Examining the Course of Southwest Archaeology: The Durango Conference, Sept. 1995, edited by D. Phillips and L. Sebastian.  New Mexico Archaeological Council Special Publication no. 3, Albuquerque, pp. 95-104.

2001    Cliff Palace, in Encyclopedia of Prehistory, edited by Peter Peregrine and Melvin Ember.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp.235-236.

2001    Arroyo Hondo Pueblo, in Encyclopedia of Prehistory, edited by Peter Peregrine and Melvin Ember.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp.236-237.

2001    Pot Creek Pueblo, in Encyclopedia of Prehistory, edited by Peter Peregrine and Melvin Ember.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp.238-239.

2001    Sand Canyon Pueblo, in Encyclopedia of Prehistory, edited by Peter Peregrine and Melvin Ember.  Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, pp.239-240.

  • Foregrounding the Sacred. Essay published in CD-ROM format as part of “Sacred Spaces” Exhibit, Great Hall of State, Fair Park, sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Earth and Man.

1999    Picuris’ Place in the Pueblo World.  In Picuris Pueblo Through Time:  Eight Centuries of Change at a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo, edited by Michael Adler and Herbert Dick, pp. 189-206. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, SMU

1999    Prehistoric and Early Historic Architecture and Ceramics at Picuris (with H. Dick, D. Wolfman, C. Schaafsma), In Picuris Pueblo Through Time:  Eight Centuries of Change at a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo, edited by Michael Adler and Herbert Dick, pp. 45-96. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, SMU

1999    Introduction, In Picuris Pueblo Through Time:  Eight Centuries of Change at a Northern Rio Grande Pueblo, edited by Michael Adler and Herbert Dick, pp. 1-15. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, SMU

1998    Cliff Palace.  Contributions to Archaeology of Prehistoric North America: An Encyclopedia, Garland Publishing (April 1998).

1998    Mesa Verde Branch.  Contributions to Archaeology of Prehistoric North America: An Encyclopedia, Garland Publishing (April 1998).

1998    Yellow Jacket Ruin.  Contributions to Archaeology of Prehistoric North America: An Encyclopedia, Garland Publishing (April 1998).

1996    Adolph Bandelier.  The Oxford Companion to Archaeology (Brian Fagan, editor).  Oxford University Press, New York, NY.

1996    The Great Period:  The Pueblo World during the Pueblo III Period, A.D. 1150-1350.  In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350  (Michael Adler, editor).  University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 1-10.

1996    Mapping the Pueblo Southwest (senior author, with A. Johnson).  In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350  (Michael Adler, editor), pp. 255-272.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

1996    Southwestern Colorado and Southeastern Utah Settlement Patterns: A.D. 1100-1300 (co-author with M. Varien, W. Lipe, I. Thompson, and B. Bradley).  In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 1150-1350 (Michael Adler, editor), pp. 86-113.  University of Arizona Press, Tucson

1996    Settlement Patterns.  In The Encyclopædia of Cultural Anthropology.  Ed. by David Levinson and Melvin Ember, vol. 4, pp. 1154-1161.  New York:  Henry Holt, Inc.

1996    Fathoming the Scale of Mesa Verde Region Communities.  In Interpreting Southwest Diversity:  Underlying Principles and Overarching Patterns, ed. Paul Fish and J. Jefferson Reid.  Arizona State University Anthropological Papers, pp. 22-40.  (This volume was peer-reviewed by two outside reviewers prior to publication)

1994    Population Aggregation and the Anasazi Social Landscape: The View from the Four Corners Region.  In The Ancient Southwestern Community:  Models and Methods for  the Study of Prehistoric Social Organization, eds. W. W. Wills and R. D. Leonard, pp. 85-102.  University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.  (Chapters in this volume were peer-reviewed by a single outside reviewer prior to publication)

1994    The Changing Face of the Community in the Mesa Verde Region, AD 1000-1300. (co-author with Mark Varien), in Proceedings of the Anasazi Symposium, 1991, compilers, A. Hutchinson and J. Smith, pp. 83-98.  Mesa Verde Museum Association, Mesa Verde National Park.

1992    Archaeological Survey of East Rock and Sand Canyons, Montezuma County, Colorado (senior author with M. Metcalf).  Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Reports, Cortez, CO.  (Peer-reviewed by a single reviewer prior to publication in Reports series).

1992    Upland Survey in the Sand Canyon Locale.  In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project, 1985-1990: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 12-26.  Crow Canyon Archaeological Center Occasional Papers No. 2, Cortez, CO.

1989    Ritual Facilities and Social Integration in Nonranked Societies, in The Archaeology of Social Integration in the Prehistoric Pueblos, edited by William Lipe and Michelle Hegmon,  pp. 35-52.  Crow Canyon Publications in Archaeology, no. 1.  Cortez, CO