



  2022    REU Site: Using Data Science Tools to Improve Neighborhoods,  Research into the integration of data with community based work, for more impactful teaching and learning in engineering. Focused on GIS and Environmental Justice in Dallas. With Stokes, L. (PI), Ebinger, J (PI), Smith-Colin, J., Clark, C., Cao, Petrosino, NSF, National, Funded. (2022 – 2023).,


2022    REU Site: Using Data Science Tools to Improve Neighborhoods,  Research into the integration of data with community based work, for more impactful teaching and learning in engineering. Focused on GIS and Environmental Justice in Dallas. With Stokes, L. (PI), Ebinger, J (PI), Smith-Colin, J., Clark, C., Cao, Petrosino, NSF, National, Funded. (2022 – 2023).,


2022    Infrastructure Equity: Discovering Infrastructure Deserts: Research into the inequity of urban infrastructure provision; the research gathers infrastructure data from the city of Dallas and creates a model for an integrated neighborhood infrastructure assessment.   With Minsker, B., Li, Z., Smith-Colin, J., Wang, S., Hua, C.

2022 Field-based Longitudinal Data Sets for Inter-Disciplinary Education (FieLDSIDE): An interdisciplinary study to find overlaps in the use of UAV collected spatial data for education, storytelling and environmental science through the use of field-collected data.  Experiential learning on the SMU in Taos campus. Funded.  With Adler, M., Zarazaga, J., Camp, J. D., Quicksall, A., Perkins, T., Berry, K.,

2022 An Urban Sustainability Project: Piloting a creative approach to education in sustainable design; the integration of a diverse interdisciplinary framework to develop innovative climate-smart and economically sustainable neighborhoods. A collaboration between the S+DP (SMU Lyle) and URI (PQC) (Sustainability + Development Program) and (Urban Research Initiative)  VentureWell Funded. (June 30, 2021 – December 31, 2022).

2022   Library for Kijiji, Architectural Design Competition, Kasisa, Tanzania: An architectural design competition for the center library, developed in collaboration with Soma International on rural learning centers, and working with three Universities in Tanzania, Ardhi, U of Dar-es-Salaam, and Mbeya, and an international Jury.

2022 Land Title Survey pilot for Kasisa Village, Tanzania“,   Develop a strategy for the mapping and documentation of rural land site cadastral surveys.  Building on the Dar es Salaam model, residents trained in the technology can support  livelihoods in addition to the data outcome.   The pilot project (through EthicalGEO, and OSMT) exploits a new GPS sensor (U-blox) that allows precision location without the high-cost of such technology. Resilient Infrastructure grant, Global Development Lab” (March 2020 – December 2022).

2022 Acacia House, Lamu Kenya, Environmentally sustainable design using local materials, passive design principals, water collection systems and alternative energy systems. Professional architectural design project applying and testing aspects of sustainability taught and developed in the classroom and lab.  Working within local construction, material and cost limits, with specific African social/cultural design issues fed back into classroom lectures and discussions.

2020-22 Environmental Justice in Dallas, TX: In partnership with Dr Janille Smith-Colin, the Urban Research Initiative at Paul Quinn College (Evelyn Mayo) ,  S+DP students Cindy Hua and Collin Yarborough, and neighborhood organizations.  Active participation in data collection and communication in conjunction with West Dallas, Joppe, the removal of Shingle Mountain in South Dallas. Strategies for teaching air quality monitoring to middle school STEM students (Hua);  communication tools for Environmental Justice (Yarborough).

2022 Impatient GIS: 15 skills with ArcGIS Pro.  Useful GIS skills for non-specialists, focused on advanced learners from other disciplines who need a quick introduction to GIS for research and analysis. Redlands California: ESRI Press.

2021   Rulegura Center Architectural Design Competition, Kasisa, Tanzania: An architectural design competition for the primary project buildings has been developed in collaboration with three Universities in Dar-es- Salaam, Tanzania. Rulegura Centre: Competition

2020  Kijiji Site MasterPlan and Sustainable Architectural Design Competition, Kasisa, Tanzania: Development of a Masterplan for the center of Sustainability, Kasisa Tanzania. This project for the non-profit Kajiji ISS, was develop working with GIS and locally sourced data, in collaboration with students in MASD, engineering and anthropology.

2020 Afro-Mexican Spatial Practice: Re-frame: Afro-Mexican Concert & Festival at the Meyerson Symphony Hall, Invited to design a constructed stage element to re-frame the traditional western environment of the Meyerson symphony hall to receive international guest musicians and dancers from the Afro-Mexican tradition. “To bring a piece of our world into the spatial conversation”

2019  MLK Arts: performance and community space: design for a sustainable arts center in South Dallas, with Soul Rep. Theatre.  Resilient Infrastructure grant, Global Development Lab, Hunt Institute for Engineering & Humanity.

2017       GIS Mapping for Development & Innovation, for St Phillips School and Dallas Urban Farms.

2014       Sites of Intensity: ppGIS to identify site suitability, Vickery Meadow funded by SMU Arts & Urbanism and Hunt Institute for engineering & Humanity.

2014     Spatial Networks of Refugee Communities in DFW, Funded by Forced Migration IP & CEE Lyle SMU

2012       PASEO: Making Place through Participation, Urban design through memory mapping and the design & enactment of a shared community procession.  Funded by SMU Meadows, Simmons Education, West Dallas Communities Bataan Center.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Zarazaga, J. M., McCann, J., McMillan, J., Schlemer, L., Martin, D. Community Student Gap: A Story  _ Critical Conversations. ESJP (Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace) 2020.

Li, Z., Wang, X., Zarazaga, J. M., Smith-Colin, J., Minsker, B. (2021). Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning,.

Arif, S., Avery, Ba-Aoum, M, M., Baillie, Baptiste, S., Brownwell, S., Catalano, G., Chahim, D. M., Cunningham, A., Feinblatt, E., Zarazaga, J. M. (2021). Critical Conversations and A Call to Action!. International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace, 8(2), pp.149-155..

Zarazaga, J. M. Tactical GIS Playing Cards: Leveraging Site Design Decisions through Geo-Spatial Play, Submitted to ASEE Annual Conference 2020, Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) 2020 (in process

Berry, Ken and Zarazaga, J. M. Engagement in Practice: Space Launch Weather Balloon Project.  Submitted to ASEE Annual Conference 2020, Engagement in Practice, Community Engagement Education Division (CEED) 2020 (in process)

Zarazaga, J. M. (2019). Deep Observation: Geo-Spatial mapping as a strategy for site-engagement and problem-design, Submitted to ASEE Annual Conference 2019, LEES division, 2019.

Zarazaga, J. M. (2018). Evaluating Geo-Spatial Mapping as a tactic for Generative Design in Engineering Education. Submitted to Journal of Engineering Education, (Under Review)

Zarazaga, J. M. (2018). Mapping as Design Thinking: Can GIS Help Engineering Students Approach Design? Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference 2018, Design in Engineering Education Division (DEED) 2018, 24.

George-Williams, S. & Zarazaga, J. M. (2018). Beyond Our Horizon: Reaching out to Engineering Faculty to Teach Spatial Literacy. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference, 18.

Marshall Zarazaga, J.  (2017). Qué es “Landscape”? Cuadernos de Arquitectura, Habitar al Norte, Num 11, 5–14. (Refereed journal) Antofagasta, Chile.

Marshall Zarazaga, J. (2011). The Moving horizon: landscape scale as an urban device. Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 31(1), 60–73 (refereed journal) editor: John Dixon-Hunt U. Penn, Taylor & Francis.

Marshall Zarazaga, J. (2011). Flujos, Patrones y Topografias (Flows, Patterns and Topographies: Landscape’s urban devices revealed at Ritoque). Materia Arquitectura, (03). (Refereed journal) ed. M.Cortes, ed. Universidad San Sebastian.

Marshall, J. (2004) “The Cultivation of Site: Landscape Approaches to Teaching Architecture”, 306090, (refereed journal) Princeton Univ. Press

Marshall, J. (2004). “The Cultivation of SiteTexFiles, UTA architecture journal

Marshall, J (1993) Is it a Nightmare or only a Cramp? A critique of the Architectural Idea, Scroope 6, (refereed journal) Cambridge Univ. Press

Marshall, J (1992) “These Gardens too are Gardens of Paradise”, Scroope 5, (refereed journal) Cambridge Univ. Press

Magazine and online Articles

Zarazaga, J. M. (2015, fall). Embedded Connection: Unique Dallas Landscapes Link Communities. Columns Magazine, AIA Dallas, Vol 32(Issue 3).

Zarazaga, J. M. (2012, fall). Place Making Through Activity & Motion: Unofficial, Tactical and Ad Hoc Landscapes. ‘Columns’ Magazine, AIA Dallas, Vol 30(6).

Marshall Zarazaga, J. (2016) “How Cars & Pedestrians Can Live Together: The Katy Trail” The Dallas Morning News, June 8.

Regina García, and interview with Marshall Zarazaga, J (2015)” The Rough Action of Space” a conversation on urbanism, design and theatre, HowlRound Theatre Commons (journal)

Marshall Zarazaga, J. (2010) “Dallas CItyDesign Studio”, Columns Magazine, Dallas AIA, Nov. 2010 Dallas

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