
“Big Cosmos and Little Universes” hosted by the Yale Club of Dallas at St. Mark’s School

I am extremely grateful to the Yale Club of Dallas for hosting me for a lecture at St. Mark’s School. The event attracted about 30-40 participants and offered a chance to tour the cosmos from its grandest scales to its smallest. I was very pleased to be able to share the work we do at SMU using particle colliders (like the LHC and, soon, the EIC) to unlock the laws of the universe and identify the building blocks of reality.

I would also like to express my gratitude to the audience, who interacted during the lecture and asked fantastic questions afterward. As an alumnus of Yale University, I am pleased to be able to share some of my journey into physics and highlight the new generation of scientists, thinkers, problem-solvers, and leaders we are training at SMU.

By Stephen Sekula

Professor of Physics. Department Chair. Higgs Hunter. Computational Physicist. Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison. B.S. from Yale University.