Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
*denotes mentee
Reznick, S.J., Lucksted, A., Myers, N.L., Jones, N. Pagdon, S., Goldman, H.H. Advancing Qualitative Research in Practice-Based Research: Examples of Qualitative Research in the Early Psychosis Intervention Network (EPINET). Community Mental Health Journal. (In Press)
Myers, N.L., Meeker, R.*, Odeng, V.* Pastors as Partners in Care: African Immigrant Pastors on Mental Health Care Referral Processes for Young Congregants Experiencing Symptoms of Psychosis in the US. Community Mental Health Journal. Online First.
Klodnick, V.V., LePelusa, B., Reznik, S.J., Johnson, R., Myers, N., Lucksted, A., Cohen, D., Lopez M. Substance Use Approaches among Peer Support Specialists in Community Mental Health Early Psychosis Programs. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. July 25, 2024: Online ahead of print.
Stein, E.*, Hutnyan, M.*, Myers, N. Identifying Barriers to Mental Health Care for Black American Youth: A Qualitative Study. SMU Journal of Undergraduate Research 8 (1):article 4.
Myers, N.L., Wilkey, J.*, Chacon, M.*, Hutnyan, M.*, Janssen, C., Tarvin, H.*, Cohen, D., Holmes, I., Klodnick, V.K., Mesganaw, M.*, Reznik, S.J., Shimizu, T.K.*, Stein, E.*, Lopez, M. Perspectives of Young Adults Diagnosed with Early Psychosis Using Coordinated Special Care in Texas on Substance Use and Substance Use Interventions. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, Online First. 29 Nov. 2023, doi:10.1111/eip.13488.
Brown, J.E.H., D’Arcy, M.J., Myers, N.L., Ziv, T. (equal authorship; alphabetical order). Introduction to Special Section: Experimental Engagements with Ethnography, Moral Agency and Care. Medicine.Anthropology.Theory 10(1).
Myers, N., Hutnyan, M.*, Daley, T…..Chacon, M.* (plus 16 more authors). Pathways through Early Psychosis Care for Young Persons from Ethnically and Racially Minoritized Groups in the US: A Systematic Literature Review. Online First. Psychiatric Services.
Myers, N. The ecosocial self, place, and well-being: An ethnographic case study with Maasai women from northern Tanzania. Social Science and Medicine-Mental Health: 1-34.
Myers, N., Mollel, E.*, Pauselli, L., Chacon, M.,* Compton, M. Maasai women hearing voices: Implications for global mental health. Transcultural Psychiatry: 1-16.
Myers, N., Hutnyan, M.*,Wright, G.*, Lee, G., Woodward, P., Wilkey, J.*, Young, W., Bromley E. Lessons in “Slow” Engagement From Staff and Administrators at a Prebooking Jail Diversion Program. Psychiatric Services: 1-6.
Myers, N. and Yarris, K. Extraordinary Conditions: Global Psychiatric Care and the Anthropology of Moral Experience. Ethos 47(1): 3-12.
Myers, N. Beyond the “Crazy House”: Mental/Moral Breakdowns and Moral Repair in Early Psychosis. Ethos 47(1): 13-34.
Myers, N., Sood, A.*, Alolayan, Y., Broussard, B., Fox, K.*, King, K., LoGalbo, L.*, Thompson, L., Compton, M.T. Coping with Food Insecurity among African Americans in Public-Sector Mental Health Services: A Qualitative Study. Community Mental Health Journal 55(3): 440-447.
Myers, N., Sood.A.*, Fox, K.*, Wright, G.*, Compton, M.T. Decision-making about Pathways through Care for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Young Adults with Early Psychosis. Psychiatric Services 70 (3): 184-190. DOI:10.1176/
Compton, M., Halpern, B., Broussard, B., Anderson, S., Smith, K., Ellis, S., Griffin, K.*, Pauselli, L., and Myers, N. A Potential New Form of Jail Diversion and Reconnection to Mental Health Services: I. Stakeholders’ Views on Acceptability. Behavioral Sciences & The Law 35:480-91.
Myers, N., Bhatty, S., Broussard, B. & Compton, M.T. Clinical Correlates of Initial Treatment Disengagement in First-Episode Psychosis. Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses. Summer 2017, 11(2): 95-102.
Myers, N. & Tali Ziv*. ‘No one ever even asked me that before.’ Autobiographical Power, Social Defeat and Recovery among African Americans with Lived Experience of Psychosis. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 30(3): 395-413.
Myers, N., Alolayan, Y., Smith, K., Broussard, B. & Compton, M.T. A Mixed Methods Study of the Recovery Concept, ‘Meaningful Day,’ in Community Mental Health Services for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses. Community Mental Health Journal 52: 747-56.
Myers, N., Lester, R., and Hopper, K. Reflections on the Anthropology of Global Public Psychiatry: The Potential and Limitations of Transdisciplinary Work. Introductory essay to Special Issue: Practical Anthropology for a Global Public Psychiatry (editors: Neely Myers, Rebecca Lester and Kim Hopper). Transcultural Psychiatry 53(4): 419-26.
Myers, N. Recovery Stories: An Anthropological Exploration of Moral Agency in Stories of Mental Health Recovery. In Special Issue: Practical Anthropology for a Global Public Psychiatry (editors: Neely Myers, Kim Hopper and Rebecca Lester). Transcultural Psychiatry 53(4):427-44.
Griffith, J., Myers, N., and Compton, M.T. How Can Community Religious Groups Aid Recovery for Individuals with Psychotic Illnesses? Community Mental Health Journal 52: 775-780.
Wisdom, J., Riley, H., and Myers, N. Recommendations for Writing Successful Grant Proposals: An Information Synthesis. Academic Medicine 90(12): 1720-25.
Myers, N., Lewis, S.E., and Dutton, M.A. Open Mind, Open Heart: An Anthropological Study of the Therapeutics of Meditation Practice in the US. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 39:487-504.
Myers, N. Alolayan, Y., Smith, K., Moore, A., Broussard, B., Haynes, N., Compton, M.T. A Potential Role for Family Members in Mental Health Service Delivery: the Family Community Navigation Specialist. Psychiatric Services 66(6): 653-55.2013
Cristofaro, S.L., Cleary, S.D., Wan, C.R., Broussard, B., Chapman, C., Haggard, P.J., Jananeh, S., Myers, N., Compton, M.T. Measuring Trauma and Stressful Events in Childhood and Adolescence among Patients with First-Episode Psychosis: Initial Factor Structure, Reliability, and Validity of the Trauma Experiences Checklist. Psychiatry Research 210(2): 618-25.
Broussard, B., Kelley, M.E., Wan, C.R., Cristofaro, S.L., Crisafio, A., Haggard, P.J. Myers, N., Reed, T., Compton, M.T. Demographic, socio-environmental, and substance-related predictors of Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP). Schizophrenia Research 148(1-3): 93-8.
Bermudez, D., Benjamin, M.T., Porter, S.E., Saunders, P.A., Myers, N., Dutton, M.A. A Qualitative Analysis of Beginning Mindfulness Experiences for Women with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and History of Intimate Partner Violence. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 19(2): 104-8.
Myers, N. Towards an Applied Neuroanthropology of Psychosis: The Interplay of Culture, Brains, and Experience. Special Issue: Neuroanthropology and its Applications, Annals of Anthropological Practice 36(1): 113-30.
Dutton, M.A., Bermudez, D., Benjamin, M.T., Porter, S.E., Saunders, P.A., Myers, N. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Low-Income, Predominantly African American Women with PTSD and a History of Intimate Partner Violence: the Clinical Implications of Narrative Changes during the Intervention. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice 20(1): 23-32.
Myers, N. Update: Schizophrenia across Cultures. Current Psychiatry Reports, 13(4): 305-11.
Myers, N. Culture, Stress and Recovery from Schizophrenia: Lessons from the field for global mental health. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 34(3): 500-28.