
Journal Articles
(* Equal authorship)
Romero M, Craig A, Mormann M & Kumar A “Are ‘10-Grams of Protein’ Better Than ‘Ten Grams of Protein’? How Number Digits Versus Number Words Influence Consumer Judgment and Choice.” Journal of Consumer Research, forthcoming.

Fisher M* & Mormann M* (2022). The Off by 100% Bias: How Percentage Changes Greater than 100% Influence Magnitude Judgments and Consumer Choice.  Journal of Consumer Research, 49(4), 561-573.

Mormann F & Mormann M (2022). The Case for Corporate Climate Ratings: Nudging Financial Markets. Arizona State Law Journal, 53, 1209.

Bazley W*, Cronqvist H* & Mormann M* (2021). Visual Finance: The Pervasive Effects of Red on Investor Behavior, Management Science, 67(9), 5616-5641.

Mormann M & Russo J (2021). Does Attention Really Influence Value of Choice Alternatives? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25(4), 305-315.

Mormann M, Griffiths T, Janiszewski C, Russo J, et al. (2020). Time to Pay Attention to Attention: Using Attention-Based Process Traces to Better Understand Consumer Decision-Making”, Marketing Letters, 31, 381–392.

Plassmann, H. & Mormann, M. (2017). An Interdisciplinary Lens on Consciousness: The Consciousness Continuum and How to (Not) Study It in the Brain and the Gut. Invited comment, Journal of Consumer Research, 44(2) 258-265.

Towal B, Mormann M & Koch C. (2013). Simultaneous Modeling of Visual Saliency and Value Computation Improves Prediction of Economic Choice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40) 3858-3867.

Mormann M, Navalpakkam V, Koch C & Rangel A (2012). Relative Visual Saliency Differences Induce Sizable Bias in Consumer Choice, Journal of Consumer Psychology,22, 67-74. SSRN

Plassmann H, Ramsoy T & Mormann M (2012). Branding the Brain: A Critical Review, Journal of Consumer Psychology,22, 18-36.

Mormann M, Koch C & Rangel A (2011). Consumers Can Make Decisions in as Little as a Third of a Second, Judgment and Decision Making, 6(6), 520-530. SSRN

Mormann F, Dubois J, Kornblith S, Mormann M, Cerf M, Ison M, Tsuchiya N, Kraskov A, Quiroga R Q, Adolphs R, Fried I & Koch C (2011). A Category-Specific Response to Animals in the Right Human Amygdala, Nature Neuroscience, 14, 1247-1249.

Mormann M, Madsen E, Koch C & Rangel A (2011). Fast Saccades Towards Numbers: Simple Number Comparisons Can Be Made in as Little as 230 ms, Journal of Vision, 4(4), 1-12.

Mormann M, Malmaud J, Huth A, Koch C & Rangel A (2010). The Drift Diffusion Model Can Account for Basic Psychometrics of Value-Based Choice under High and Low Time Pressure, Judgment and Decision Making, 5(6), 437-449. SSRN

Mormann M & Cerf M (2008). First Attention then Intention: Insights from Computational Neuroscience of Vision, International Journal of Advertising, 27(3), 381-398.

Under Review and Working Papers
Isaac M* Mormann M* & Jain SP, “The Ranking Effect.” Revising for 3rd round review, Journal of Consumer Research.

Mormann M* & Fisher M*, “The Impact of Scale Midpoints on Experimental Conclusions.” Reject with resubmit, Journal of Marketing Research.

Frydman C* & Mormann M* “The Role of Salience and Attention in Choice Under Risk.” Revising for 2nd round review, Review of Economic Studies.

Dillon B* & Mormann M* “Investigating Store Price Image Formation.” In prep.

Palmon N, Mormann M, and Levy D, “What Color Are Your Gains and Loses? The Unintended Consequences of Using Color in Experimental Research.”
In prep.

Other Publications
Mormann F & Mormann M (2022). It’s Time to Give Companies Standalone Climate Ratings. Harvard Business Review.

Mormann F & Mormann M (2022) “How to Translate Climate Disclosure into Investor Action.” Columbia Law School’s Blue Sky Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets

Your Eyes Say It All: What Neuroscience Can Teach Us About Consumer Attention (2013), Mental Notes, Prime Publications, Inc. Online Access

Computational Modeling of Visual Attention and Consumer Research: Initial Allocation of Visual Attention and its Effects on Consumer Behavior. 2009. Saarbruecken, Germany: VDM Verlag.

Other Manuscripts
Mormann M, Towal B, Koch C. “The Role of Stimulus-Based Visual Saliency in Attention and Choice”. SSRN