
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles

2021 Workman, Cassandra*/Maryann R. Cairns*, Francis de los Reyes, and Matthew Verbyla. Global Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Approaches: Anthropological Contributions and Future Directions for Engineering. Environmental Engineering
special issue on engineering for marginalized communities, online ahead of print 4 May 2021.
*Workman and Cairns are recognized as co-first authors on this manuscript 

2021 Orner, Kevin+, Erin Symonds+, Helga Madrigal Solis, Ricardo Orozco Montoya, Alicia Fonesca Sanchez, Matthew E. Verbyla, and Maryann R. Cairns*, “Holsitically Managing Pathogens and Nutrients in Ubanizing Tropical Towns: Can
Sanitation Technologies Create Safer Condititions for Beach Recreation?” Environmental Science and Technology: Water. 1 (5): 1184-1197. 

2021 Jose Ricardo-Suarez, Maryann R. Cairns, Kam Spirada, Lesliam Quiros-Alcala, Howard Mielke, Ruth A. Etzel, Brenda Eskenazi, and Katarzyna Kordas.  COVID-19 and children’s health: Consideration of physical and social environments during the pandemic. Environmental Research Volume 197, 111160.

2021  Abdiel E. Laureano-Rosario, Erin M. Symonds+, Adriana González Fernández+, Omar G. Lizano R., Darner Mora Alvarado^, Pablo Rivera Navarro^, Andrei Badilla Aguilar^, Digna Rueda-Roa, Daniel B. Otis, Valerie J. Harwood, Maryann R. Cairns*, Frank E. Muller-Karger. The relationship between environmental parameters and microbial water quality at two Costa Rican beaches from 2002 to 2017. Marine Pollution Bulletin Volume 163, 11197. 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111957

2021 Adriana González Fernández+, Erin M. Symonds+, Javier Gallard+, Bonnie Mull, Jerzy O. Lukasik, Pablo Rivera Navarro^, Andrei Badilla Aguilar^, Jayme Peraud, Megan Brown+, Darner Mora Alvarado^, Mya Breitbart, Maryann R. Cairns* and Valerie J. Harwood. Relationships among Microbial Indicators of Fecal Pollution, Microbial Source Tracking Markers, and Pathogens in Costa Rican Coastal Waters. Water Research 188, 116507. 10.1016/j.watres.2020.116507

2020 Cairns, Maryann R., Margaret Ebinger, Chanel Stinson, and Jason Jordan with the ANTH 3345 Spring 2020 class. “COVID-19 and human Connection: Collaborative Research on Loneliness and Online Worlds from a Socially-Distanced Academy. Human Organization. Volume 9 issue 4.

2020 Myles Ethan Lascity and Maryann R. Carins. “Complicated Green Advertising: Understanding the Promotion of Clothing Recycling Efforts.” Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture. 15(2), 44-62 DOI:

2020 Brenda Eskenazi, Ruth Etzel, Kam Sripada, Maryann R. Cairns, Merete Eggesbø, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Katarzyna Kordas, João Paulo Machado Torres, Howard W. Mielke, Youssef Oulhote, Lesliam Quirós-Alcalá, Horacio Riojas Rodríguez, José R. Suárez, Marya G. Zlatnik, for the ISCHE Council. “The International Society for Children’s Health and the Environment Commits to Reduce Its Carbon Footprint to Safeguard Children’s Health.” Environmental Health Perspectives 128(1). IF 8.05, Environmental Health (NIEHS-supported Journal).

2019 Joseph Flotemersch, Samantha Shattuck, Kelsey Aho, Clayton Cox, and Maryann R. Cairns**. “Factors influencing public perception and social values associated with aquatic resources.” Ecology and Society. IF 4.1, Environmental Studies.

2018 Maryann R. Cairns. “What Water Are You Drinking? Infrastructure, Perception and the “Raw Water” Trend.” Anthropology Now 10:59-69. 

2018 Maryann R. Cairns. “Metering water: Analyzing the concurrent pressures of conservation, sustainability, health impact, and equity in use.” World Development 100: 411- 421.

2017 Maryann R. Cairns, Cassandra Workman, and Indrakshi Tandon. “Gender mainstreaming and water development projects: analyzing unexpected envirosocial impacts in Bolivia, India, and Lesotho.” Gender, Place & Culture.

2017 Maryann R. Cairns, Clayton Cox, Jose Zambrana, Joseph Flotemersch, Alexis Lan, Anna Phillips, Gordana Kozhuharova, Mihallaq Qirjo, Marta Szgeti Bonifert, and Lek Kadeli. “Building multi-country collaboration on watershed management: Lessons on linking environment and public health from the Western Balkans.” Reviews on Environmental Health.

2016 Matthew Verbyla, Erin Symonds, Ram Kafle, Maryann R. Cairns, Mercedes Iriarte, Alvaro Mercado, Olver Coronado, Mya Breitbart, Carmen Ledo, and James Mihelcic. “Managing microbial risks from indirect wastewater reuse for irrigation in urbanizing watersheds.” Environmental Science & Technology.

2016 Wells, Christian, Rebecca Zarger, Linda Whiteford, James R. Mihelcic, Eric S. Koenig, and Maryann R. Cairns “The Impacts of Tourism Development on Perceptions of Wastewater management on the Placencia Peninsula” Journal of Cleaner Production, 111(B):430-441.

2015 Matthew Verbyla, Maryann R. Cairns, Paola A. Gonzalez, Linda M. Whiteford, James R. Mihelcic. “Emerging challenges for pathogen control and resource recovery in natural wastewater treatment systems.” WIREs Water 2(6): 701-714.

Book Chapters

2016 Whiteford, Linda, Maryann R. Cairns, Rebecca Zarger, and Gina Larsen. “Water, Environment, and Health: The Political Ecology of Water.” In Merrill Singer, ed. A Companion to Environmental Health: Anthropological Perspectives.

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