Kate Carté
William J. Clements Department of History
214-768-2977 – kecarte@smu.edu
Education PhD, MA – University of Wisconsin-Madison; B.A. – Haverford College
Research and Teaching Areas Eighteenth-century Atlantic World, Age of Revolutions, Early Modern Religion, Digital Humanities
Print Publications
Religion and the American Revolution: An Imperial History (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for the Omohundro Institute for Early American History and Culture, 2021)
Religion and Profit: Moravians in Early America (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009, paper 2011).
2010 Dale W. Brown Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, awarded by the Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies.
Articles and Book Chapters
“Connecting Protestant in Britain’s Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Empire,” William & Mary Quarterly, January 2018, 75(1), 37-70.
“Dissent in the Atlantic World after the American Revolution,” in Vol II of The Oxford History of Protestant Dissenting Traditions, Vol. II, Andrew Thompson, ed. (Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 2018), 200-221.
“Revisiting the Bishop Controversy,” in Patrick Spero and Michael Zuckerman, eds., The Revolution Reborn (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016), 132-49.
“The Founding Fathers in Modern America,” in Matthew Avery Sutton and Darren Dochuk, eds., Faith in the New Millennium (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), 7-24.
“Triangulating Religion and the American Revolution through Jedidiah Morse,” Common-place, 15.3, May 2015.
“The SPCK and the American Revolution: The Limits of International Protestantism,” Church History, March 2012, 8(1), 77-103.
“Moravians in the Eighteenth-century Atlantic World,” Journal of Moravian History, 12(1), Spring 2012, 1-19.
“Religion and the Economy: New Methods for an Old Problem,” Early American Studies 8(3), Fall 2010, 482-514.
“The Evolution of the Bethlehem Pilgergemeine,” in Jonathan Strom and James Melton, eds., Pietism in Two Worlds (New York: Ashgate, 2009), 163-181.
“’Commerce that the Lord Could Sanctify and Bless’: Moravian Participation in Transatlantic Trade, 1740-1760” in Michele Gillespie and Robert Beachy, eds., Pious Pursuits: German Moravians in the Atlantic World (New York: Berghahn Books, 2007), 113-126.
“Bridging the Gap: Religious Community and Declension in Eighteenth-century Bethlehem, Pennsylvania,” 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, 11 (2005), 407-442.
“The Strangers’ Store: Moral Capitalism in Moravian Bethlehem, 1753-1775,” Early American Studies 1(1), January 2003, 90-126.
2003 Colonial Society of Pennsylvania Article Prize
Podcasts and Streamable lectures
“Religion and the American Revolution” Way of Improvement Leads Home Podcast, with John Fea, July 18, 2021
“Religion and the American Revolution,” History as it Happens Podcast, from the Washington Times, July 27, 2021
“Religion and the American Revolution,” Talk with Jim Ambruske from the Washington Library, streamable on YouTube and CSPAN
“Religions, Nation States, and Politics in Vast Early America,” an Omohundro Author Conversation with Kate Carte and Julia Gaffield, May 13, 2021.
Blog Posts and Electronic Publications
“Revisiting the Aitken Bible,” UNC Press Blog, August 11, 2021
“OTD: Why we should remember July 20, 1775,” UNC Press Blog, July 20, 2021
“Politics, Religion, Then, Now,” Uncommon Sense, The Blog, February 28, 2019
“No Syllabus Required: Notes from a Teaching Experiment,” Process: a blog for American History (blog of the Organization of American Historians), May 5, 2020
“How do we find religion in the American Revolution?” The Junto: A Group Blog on Early American History, June 2016
“Religion, Revolution, and Digital Humanities,” Religion in American History blog, May 2016
“Religion and Global Flows,” Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference on Religion and American Culture, June 2015
“Triangulating Religion and the American Revolution through Jedidiah Morse,” Common-place, 15.3, May 2015
“Four Questions with Randall Stephens at US Religious History Blog,” Religion in American History blog, August 2014
“From Manuscript to Metadata,” Religion in American History blog, June 2013
“Religion in United States History since 1865,” syllabus published electronically through the Young Scholars of American Religion Program at the Center for the Study of Religion and American Culture
“Protestant Empires, Whiggish History, and Personal Religious Histories,” Religion in American History blog, June 2009
“Report on Markets and Morality conference,” Religion in American History blog, November 2008
Student Project Websites