
Good Food in Unexpected Places


Taj Mahal Imports

Taj Mahal Imports

            Growing up I was never the one for trying new things, especially when it came to trying new foods. I mainly stuck to American, Italian, and Mexican foods; in my eyes the big three. Most everyone enjoys these three cultures’ food. None of them are too “out there” and they are pretty basic. Even now I do not venture too far outside of these three types of food. I feel like these three food groups, along with Chinese, are the most popular in America because of the fact that during the early 1900’s most people who immigrated to America emigrated from these places. Other than Americans, the Italians, Mexicans, and Chinese are the three most populous people in the country. I think this is why I, along with many other people, was not exposed to Indian food growing up.

Coming to college has exposed me to new foods—not because we live in Dallas, but because I interact with so many different kinds of people every day. As I was signing up for this class I did not know I was going to actually get to taste Indian food, so I was very surprised and hesitant. As I walked into the Taj Mahal Imports grocery store, the first thing that caught my eye was the many statues and shrines to the various Indian gods. As I walked up and down each isle I notices that every food item was different from anything I had seen in any other grocery store. Every item was made specifically for Indian people, who abide by many dietary restrictions; everything seemed to be organic. As I walked towards the back of the store I came upon a small kitchen and eating area. These kinds of small restaurants in the backs of grocery stores are fairly common in the Indian culture in America. Behind the counter were two Indian women that were cooking a variety of dishes for the students who were ordering. Me, being the picky eater that I am, did not have the guts to order anything to eat. However, as I walked around looking at what people ordered, it actually looked pretty good. I mostly saw a mixture of rice, beans, and spices; Indians are known for their spices. Spices were a hot commodity between the trading with the Romans. I think the common consensus among the students was that the food tasted very good.

Actually getting to experience the Indian culinary culture first hand has given me a new respect for their food, and I might even go back to try some of the Taj Mahal Imports’ food in the near future since the responses I heard were so good. I think that the reason why I have not ever tried any Indian food before is because I just have never been exposed to it. This class has given me that exposure and has possibly persuaded me to venture out of my comfort zone and try some Indian food for the first time.

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