I completed my B.A. in Anthropology and History from Texas A&M University in 2010, and my M.A. in Anthropology from Southern Methodist University in 2012. In May of 2022 I earned my PhD in Anthropology at Southern Methodist University focusing on household archaeology during the Maya Classic period at the site of Holtun located in Guatemala. My dissertation research examined elite and non-elite economic agency through lithic crafting. I successfully defended my dissertation on March 21, 2022 and my degree was conferred on May 14, 2022. My dissertation titled Economic Agency and Risk Mitigation Among the Classic Period Maya at Holtun, Guatemala is available here.
In 2015, I received a National Geographic Young Explorer Grant and a Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid award for my research. In 2017, I received a Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (Award #1743532) from the National Science Foundation, titled “Resilience Theory as a Context For Understanding Long Term Social Change” for my research on economic household resilience at Holtun. In 2018, I was also awarded an NSF subsidy from the Archaeometry lab of the Missouri University Research Reactor to complete ceramics analysis for my dissertation.
I’m originally from San Angelo, Texas. I live in Dallas with my cat Ixchel (aka “Chelly”) and spend large parts of the year working on research in Guatemala. I have served as an Adjunct Faculty member and a Graduate Student Teaching Assistant in the Department of Anthropology at SMU and as Part-Time Associate Faculty at Collin College in Plano, Texas.
I currently hold a position in Cultural Resource Management at AR Consultants, Inc. in Richardson, Texas.
More information can be found at:
Research Gate
Emal: Dcrawford@smu.edu
Alt. email: dawn.m.crawford13@gmail.com
Alt. email: Dcrawford@collin.edu