Bahar Biller

Bahar Biller
Analytics Center of Excellence at SAS
Raleigh-Durham, NC

Bahar Biller is currently a member of Analytics Center of Excellence at SAS. Previously, she worked at the Industrial Outcome Optimization – Software Sciences and Analytics Organization of General Electric’s Global Research Center. Prior to that, she was an Associate Professor in the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. She focuses on quantitative risk management for business system operations. In particular, she advances the design and analysis of large-scale business system simulations to overcome data challenges in decision making. She applies the developed expertise to provide computationally effective solutions to industrial problems. She received a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2006 and the United States Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2007. She is a member of INFORMS and a past President of the INFORMS Simulation Society.

Solving Industrial Problems with Advanced Analytics and Optimization

The SAS Center of Excellence resides within the SAS R&D organization and helps address the needs of SAS customers in the areas of Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence. The goal of this talk is to describe selected engagements of SAS COE and discuss how the challenges of industrial problems are today overcome by integrated use of machine learning and operations research.

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