In the complex landscape of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we can observe two distinct forms of captivity that offer profound spiritual parallels. On one hand, Israeli hostages are acutely aware of their captors and yearn for liberation. On the other, many Palestinians live under the oppressive rule of Hamas, often unaware of the extent of their subjugation, being told massive lies for decades, and having been indoctrinated by their leaders. These scenarios mirror the spiritual conditions of humanity: those who recognize their bondage to sin and those who remain oblivious to it.
Hamas, is and has been designated as a terrorist organization by multiple countries, including the United States. Hamas not only targets Israelis but also suppresses its own people. We know, with absolute certainty, that Hamas has used Palestinian civilians as human shields, placing military assets in schools, hospitals, and residential areas, thereby endangering innocent lives. This exploitation keeps Palestinians in a state of fear and ignorance, manipulating them to serve the organization’s malevolent purposes.
This is a superb object lesson of the spiritual blindness described in Scripture. The Apostle Paul writes, “The god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Such individuals are “darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them” (Ephesians 4:18). They are captives, unaware of their captivity, manipulated by the forces of darkness. And Hamas is a force of darkness.
In contrast, Israeli hostages are fully aware of their dire situation. They endure physical confinement, extreme mental and emotional suffering, but remain cognizant of their captors and hold onto the hope of rescue. This reflects the experience of individuals who recognize their sinful state and yearn for redemption. The Apostle Paul lamented, “Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24). Acknowledging one’s bondage is the first step toward liberation. Blindly going forward and believing that you are perfect the way you are, and have no need of a savior will lead to permanent bondage and separation forever.
For the Palestinians under Hamas’s oppressive rule, liberation begins with the revelation of truth. Jesus declared, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). The gospel unveils the deceptions of evil powers and offers a way out of spiritual bondage. As John MacArthur explains, “Spiritual blindness is a universal human condition. Every human being born into this world, since the fall of Adam, has been born spiritually blind.”
For the Israeli hostages, deliverance comes through external intervention. Similarly, those who recognize their spiritual captivity find salvation through Christ’s redemptive work. The Apostle Paul proclaims, “Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (Romans 7:25). Just as rescuers must act to free hostages God intervenes to save those who call upon Him.
Understanding these forms of captivity compels us to act. For those unaware of their spiritual bondage, we must shine the light of the gospel, exposing the lies that enslave them. For those who recognize their captivity, we offer the hope of Christ’s deliverance and his Word, and our fellowship as comfort. As C.S. Lewis observed, “The gospel is that Jesus Christ came to earth, lived the life we should have lived, and died the death we should have died.”
In a world rife with both physical and spiritual captivity, the message of liberation through Christ remains as vital as ever. Let us be bearers of this truth, guiding the blind and comforting the captive, until all find freedom in Him.