True and Real Hope in the Face of Death

As a Christian we need to be able to explain to someone that while Christianity does say that God wants us to do good, that is not what makes us right with God. We must share that the message of Christianity is that what makes us right with God is not about anything we do or ever could do, but rather about what Jesus has already done—once, and in full, and for all. The power of Christianity and the difference between it and any other Religion is that in Jesus, we no longer need to fear judgment, because when he died Jesus took the judgment for everything we have ever done or will ever do wrong. And we no longer need to fear suffering, or shame, or even death, because Jesus has joined us in all of it, and invited us beyond it. Christ came to be with us and suffer (Emanuel) so that we have a paradigm example of suffering as we suffer and yet he did not sin in the least. This was the perfect “lamb” that paid for the sins of the world. We can’t be perfect, but he was perfect for us. God with us, God for us, God in us, and us with God forever is the hope that sustains us and allows us freedom from sin and judgment.


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