NSF-DOE Student Internships for AMPS-Funded Projects

Summer internships for AMPS related research are available at the Department of Energy National Labs. Information on internships at Argonne, Idaho, Pacific Northwest, and Sandia National Labs is available in the following links:

Argonne National Lab: Argonne Lab Internships

Idaho National Lab: Idaho Lab Internships

To apply for Idaho National Laboratory AMPS student internship please send email with the following information:

  1. Area of interest for you studies –
  2. Resume and list of current classes or transcripts

Email contact:   internships@inl.gov  with  ATTN: AMPS INTERNSHIP

Pacific Northwest National LabPacific Northwest Lab Internships and Advanced Grid Modelling

Sandia National Lab: Sandia Lab Internships


Lab Presentations

Stephen Bukowksi (Idaho National Lab)- A Shift in Paradigm: ML in Power System Operations: Training Data

Meng Yue (Brookhaven National Lab)- Grid Research at BNL

Brian Pierre (Sandia National Lab)- Grid Modernization and Intern Opportunities at Sandia National Laboratories