- Learning to Juggle (What I learned from Richard W. Hamming). This is a preliminary version of a talk I have given a couple of times (this version was given at Clemson University during Spring 2013). In this talk I reflect on teaching, and the current state of Mathematics Education in the US.
- Learning to Juggle (What I learned from Richard W. Hamming). This is another preliminary version of an extended version of this talk (this version was given to GTAs at Auburn University during Spring 2013). In this talk I reflect on teaching, and the current state of Mathematics Education in the US.
- Tools of the Trade: The Math Graduate (and Undergraduate) Student’s Toolbox. This is a preliminary version of a talk I gave at the Graduate Student Seminar (Spring 2013). I am looking forward to getting comments, corrections, or additions. After I receive these I will update and post a revised version.