I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University. My primary interests are numerical and computational mathematics: Numerical P.D.E., Numerical Analysis, P.D.E., Computational Science and Scientific Computing, Fluid Dynamics, and Modeling and Simulation of Complex Coupled Problems.
I received my B.Sc. (cum laude) in Aeronautical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining SMU I was a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Auburn University and also served as a Program Director (rotator) in the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS), Computational Mathematics Program, of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
My current research focuses on the numerical analysis and computer simulation of complex coupled (multi-component, multi-physics, or multi-scale) problems which are governed by partial differential equations, often nonlinear. Recent work includes studies in Poroelasticity (involving the interaction of a fluid and a fluid saturated, elastic porous medium) and Magnetohydrodynamics (involving the interaction of an electrically conducting fluid and an electromagnetic field). Such problems arise in geoscience, metallurgy and materials science, and energy technologies. This research has been supported by research grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
I currently serve on the editorial board of: the SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis and the SIAM Classics in Applied Mathematics Book Series. See my Curriculum Vitae (and the other tabs) for additional information and details.
Those interested in mathematics genealogy can explore my mathematical lineage (at the Mathematics Genealogy Project). For those who care about such things, my Erdös Number is 3 (for information about Erdös numbers see the Erdös Number Project) and Einstein number is 5.
Some of these pages are still under construction, eventually they will all be populated and the material from my old web page migrated here.
The views, opinions, and comments on these pages are those of A. J. Meir.
These do not necessarily reflect the position of Southern Methodist University, or the Southern Methodist University Department of Mathematics.