Short Bio
Alejandro Aceves
Professional Preparation
UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, BS Physics 1981
California Institute of Technology, MS Applied Mathematics 1983
University of Arizona, PhD Applied Mathematics 1988
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University 2008-
Chair, Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist University 2015-
Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, 2004-2008
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico, 1989-2008.
Visiting Associate Professor, Brown University, Applied Mathematics 09/1996- 05/1997.
VisitingResearch Associate (1/90-6/90), Heriot-Watt University, 01/1990-06/1990.
- 1998-2001 University of New Mexico Regents Lecturer
- “David Alcaraz” Annual Lecture, UNAM (University of Mexico). Mexico City, Mexico. November 2001.
- Distinguished Lecture, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas Pan American, April 2010
- Elected Chair of the Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures Activity Group of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). 2005-06.
- Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.
- Honorary Member of the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
- Invited Professorship, Universite de Limoges, Research Institute, Photonics Department, Limoges France, July 2012.
- Faculty Fellow, Air Force Research Laboratory, Summers 2013, 14.
- Invited Professorship, Universita di Brescia, Department of Information Engineering, Brescia Italy, May-July 2015.
- Elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America, 2016.
- Invited Professorship, Laboratorie de Mathematiques INSA-Rouen, Rouen France, June 2016.
- Long term visitor, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, Spring 2017.
- Visiting researcher, University of Deusto, Bilbao Spain, June 2017.
- Elected Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2021.
Recent Products
- Pampell, A. B. Aceves and G. Srinivasan, (2014)”Predicting dynamic trends of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation for transient and stochastic forcing effects”, SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification 2 585-606.
- A. B. Aceves, O. V. Shtyrina, A. M. Rubenchik, M.P. Fedoruk and S. K. Turitsyn, (2015) “Stability of optical bullets in 2-dimensional fiber arrays” Phys. Rev. A 91, 033810.
- Shen, P. G. Kevrekidis, G. Srinivasan and A. B. Aceves (2016), “Existence, stability and dynamics of discrete solitary waves in a binary waveguide array”, Journ. of Phys. A 49, 29520.
- Tsampikos Kottos and Alejandro B. Aceves (2016), “Synthetic Structures with Parity-Time Symmetry”, Chapter 9, Book: Contemporary Optoelectronics: Materials, Metamaterials to Device Applications, “Springer Series in Optical Sciences V. 199”. O. Shulika and I. Sukhoivanvov, Editors.
- De Angelis, A. Locatelli, A. Mutti and A. Aceves, (2016), “Coupling dynamics of 1D surface plasmon polaritons in tunable 2D systems”, Optics Letters. 41, 480-483.
- Jessica Jultey and Alejandro B. Aceves (2016), ”Spontaneous PT Symmetry breaking in nonlinearly coupled van der Pol oscillators”, Studies in Applied Mathematics 137 (2) 256-270.
- Krupa, A. Labruyere, , A. Tonello, B.M. Shalaby, V. Couderc, , F. Baronio and A. B. Aceves, (2015), “Self-guided supercontinuum generation: towards spatial and spectral control of light in crystals”, Optica 2(12) 1058-1064.
Synergistic activities
- Plenary speaker, XXX Inter-University Seminar on Research in the Mathematical Sciences(SIDIM) and Keynote speaker, Undergraduate Mathematics Research Conference (UMaRch), Universidad de Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, February, 2015. (Title of the talk: “Emerging opportunities of undergraduate research in nonlinear optics”)
- Invited participant of the National Academy of Engineering and the National research Council Workshop “Analytical Research Foundations for the Next Generation Grid”, Beckman Center, Irvine CA. February 11-12, 2015.
- Affiliate scientist at the Department of Energy Los Alamos National Laboratory (since 2003).
- Committee of Visitors (External review team), Division of Mathematical Sciences, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2016.
Students, Postdocs and Collaborators
Former PhD students
- Anjan Biswas (PhD 1998), Associate Prof., Alabama A&M
- Paul Bennett (PhD 2000), Scientist, Computer Science Corporation, Vicksburg MS)
- Tomas Dohnal (PhD 2005), Professor, Department of Mathematics, MLU Halle-Wittenberg , Germany.
- Gowri Srinivasan (PhD 2008), Deputy Group Leader, Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
- Alexey Sukhinin (PhD 2011), Research Scientist, SMU.
- Alyssa Pampell (PhD June 2013), Orbital Debris Scientist, NASA Orbital Derbis Program.
- Edward Downes (PhD 2015), Mathematics High School Teacher St. Alcuin School
- Jessica Jutley (PhD 2017)
- Claudia-Castro-Castro (PhD 2017),Senior pro-gramer, Crytica Security
- Austin Copeland (PhD 2020), Global Analytics Associate, Citibank
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr. Gregory Luther (Adaptive Optics); Prof. Gustavo Cruz-Pacheco (University of Mexico); Prof. Costantino De Angelis (University of Brescia, Italy); Prof. Marco Santagiustina (University of Padova, Italy); Dr. Yannan Shen (Cal State LA). Current: Dr. Ross Parker, Dr. Brian Choi.
Most recent collaborators
Prof Jean Claude Diels (University of New Mexico); Profs. Costantino de Angelis and Stefan Wabnitz (University of Rome, Italy); Dr. Jean Guy Caputo INSA, Rouen France); Prof. Sergei Turitsyn (Aston U., UK).