

Welcome to our HIST 2390 web page! From here you can follow the adventures of HIST 2390, a history course offered at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The course is also offered abroad as part of SMU-in-Oxford.

Civilization of India is a survey course that provides an introduction to the history and cultures of the Indian subcontinent from the 3000 BCE to present. This course is designed based on experiential learning and project-based learning.

Students experience India beyond the classroom walls on field trips that are documented on this website. Check out the student blogs as they share their personal experiences with Indian culture in the Dallas area.

The website as a whole is built by the students of HIST 2390. The timeline is based on material culture at the Crow Collection in Dallas, and each student has researched an object in this collection. This class culminates with student video productions that address questions of Indian civilization and food, because who doesn’t love a class about food!


HIST 2390 students with Instructor Dr. Rachel Ball-Phillips at Chaat Corner in the back of Taj Mahal Imports (Richardson, Texas, 2015).

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